Thursday, October 6, 2016

99 Brasilia 03129: ONDCP Director McCaffery's Visit to Brasilia*

*Note:  One of my chief jobs -- given to me while I was still in Washington -- was to get along with Judge Maerovitch.  He was somewhat prickly and initially unfriendly towards DEA.  By the time I left Brasilia, our relations were cooperative.  The photo below shows a high point of our relationship when the Judge agreed to meet with me in the Embassy (ambassador's office).

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

From the Journal Entry for August 22, 1999: High Level Visits

The weather seems to be getting warmer again – after a record breaking cool snap – but that is only relative.  Still lower 80’s in the day and around 60 at night.  The light seems to be changing too, getting whiter, which makes sense since the sun is now two months past solstice.  I am typing away – hunt and peck as usual – despite having a metal appliance on my injured left pinky.  Shortly we will take our first trip to the Botanical Garden.

It has been a busy several days and the crescendo is still coming.  At midnight, I go to the airport to meet [ONDCP Director} General McCaffrey.  We will have a full day tomorrow including meetings with the President and various ministers plus press events and an evening reception.  On Tuesday arrives the President’s Special Envoy, Gov. Buddy MacKay, and on Thursday we get Governor Hunt of North Carolina.  The household staff has been preparing to feed some 200 people and everyone at the embassy has been working on schedules, etc.  All this amidst efforts to clarify that the U.S. doesn’t really expect Brazil to join us in invading Colombia and otherwise manage issues such as who outside the Embassy can use the Embassy pool.