Tuesday, February 28, 2017

99 Brasilia 02916: 54th UNGA: Brazilian Requests for Meetings and High-Level Attendance*

*Note:  This was a yearly ritual of informing Washington of who would be in New York for the September opening session of the UN General Assembly and what meetings the foreign government officials might be requesting.  This was to aid in scheduling.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Special Note: On Hiatus

Please note.  This blog will be taking a break until late January when posting Brasilia cables will resume.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

99 Brasilia 02836: Country Clearance for PM A/S Newsom and Delegation For Bilateral Pol-Mil Talks*

*Note:  This is an example of the usual country clearance cable that a post sends to formally give approval to a visit from any element of the USG.