Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Special Note: On Hiatus

Please note.  This blog will be taking a break until late January when posting Brasilia cables will resume.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

99 Brasilia 02836: Country Clearance for PM A/S Newsom and Delegation For Bilateral Pol-Mil Talks*

*Note:  This is an example of the usual country clearance cable that a post sends to formally give approval to a visit from any element of the USG.

Monday, November 28, 2016

99 Brasilia 02800: Brazilian Government Gives in to Nation-Wide Truck Strike*

* Note:  Due to operator error, this cable begins a series filling in gaps in cables previously posted here.  This cables follows 99 Brasilia 02777.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Journal Entry for October 23, 1999: Cabinet Visit, Meetings and Advocacy

The clouds and sun have been playing tag for most of the day, with rain every now and again signaling the score. I just came in from a dip in the pool and noticed the water is within inches of the top. (And I don’t know how to empty it.) The temperature must be in the high 70’s or maybe 80o. Not bad at all....

Had a good week. Secretary of Transport Rodney Slater visited. Very nice guy. I met his FAA N1 Gulf Stream at the airport and later went with his whole delegation to a churrascaria for dinner. Next day we did briefings in the Embassy, a lunch at a lakeside restaurant specializing in Bahian food and then meetings with the government, topped off by an encounter with President Cardoso. The Embassy handled the visit beautifully and we ended up at the gem and stone museum/shop on the TV tower. On Friday, we held a Principal Officers conference where our consul generals and consuls came to Brasilia for the day. In between, I met with representatives of Mattel Toys -- who want help lowering import barriers in Brazil -- and worked more on a nasty case of re-nationalization in which a state government is trying to remove U.S. shareholders of an energy company.

Meanwhile, the government here quickly granted agrement for a prospective new U.S. ambassador. There is a 50/50 chance, I’d guess, at his getting approved this year....